Happy May, everyone.
I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend. I love that so many of you chose to join my webinar last week. If there is more or different information you'd like me to share, just let me know. I know everyone is on information overload, but if you have questions I want to be sure to offer answers. In the meantime, below are some testing updates and some reminders of things you can be doing.

ACT Updates: The folks at the ACT have been communicating with June testing locations to determine whether they can safely accommodate students and staff. They are hoping to make a decision about each site by May 22. So, mark your calendars! They are also changing the registration portal in July, so make sure to pay attention to what you’re registering for, as they’ve got lots of new things they’re rolling out.
SAT Update: May 26 is when registration for the September SAT will open. Students will NOT be able to sit for SAT II's. There will be no subject tests on that date.
Admissions Changes: You all know that many schools have moved to test-optional models for the next admission cycle. So far, we haven’t seen other major shifts or updates to Early Action of Early Decision plans. However, in light of how COVID-19 has impacted transcripts and test scores, Wellesley College has announced that they will move their Regular Decision deadline up one week, so they have more time to evaluate application files. They have also eliminated their early-read program. The longer shelter-in-place orders remain in effect, the greater the chances we'll see other schools following suit.
College Research: I included a link to the StriveScan College Fairs in my first update, back in March. The events were so popular that they added more. What was initially a one-week event is now going on week three, with more schools. So, if you haven’t looked at the sessions recently, look again! https://www.strivescan.com/virtual/schedule/ And make sure that you’re looking at individual college’s admission webpages. Many have added additional virtual options over the last few weeks, and many are trying to include current students in their webinars. I know it’s not ideal, but it’ll help you determine whether or not to keep a school on your list which is really the goal. You can also follow instagram and other social media pages for the majors and activities you're interested in at specific schools, to get a different perspective.
Activities/leadership: Many of you have heard me say that you should build on things you’re already doing, perhaps find a way to do them virtually. I want to make one other suggestion: if you’re part of a club at school (or outside of school for that matter) and the leaders of the group (generally seniors) have checked out or aren’t following through on things that you were hoping to do, figure out a way that you can step up and make those things happen. I know this isn’t possible in every situation and there can be a lot of drama and personal politics involved with leadership roles, but…if there’s a way to do it and fill a gap, that’s a great thing to highlight in your application, whether you’re a current junior or sophomore.
I may have another update before the end of the week as I'm participating in several webinars with representatives from different colleges. But, if you don't hear from me before the end of the week, Happy Mother's Day to all the moms reading and good luck on the AP for those of you who start testing next week.
As always, please be in touch with any questions you have.
Stay safe.